Friday, February 3, 2012

wedding dance expert | Home & Garden

wedding dance expertI?m Mary Pinizzotto, your wedding dance expert. I?ve been teaching dance since 1990. I?ve taught hundreds of people to dance for their weddings. Now I?ve taken all that I?ve learned as a dance professional and turned it into a fun, easy way for you to move as one and impress all your friends and family with your first wedding dance, without ever setting foot in a dance studio!

Scroll down to met some of my students and find out how you can get started dancing right away ? no waiting!

Of course you would! After all, the minister performs the vows, but your chance to perform comes when that first dance is announced. It?s so important that you look and feel fabulous.

With all your friends and family looking on, the first dance is your chance to show everyone what a perfect couple you really are. (And I?ll let you in on a secret right now: dancing is lovemaking, set to music. So making that first dance great is an awesome way to start your whole relationship off on the right foot!)

Dear Mary, I just wanted to say thank you, thank you for adding so much to our wedding! Learning to dance with you before our big day not only amazed our guests, but gave us a new, fun activity to do together for the rest of our lives. I think my husband was a little cautious to begin with, but after the first lesson he realized how much he was enjoying himself. I?ve always loved to dance and am grateful to you for teaching us how to glide across the floor together! Thanks again! Karen

When everyone asks, "Where did you find the time to learn to dance like that? "you don?t have to admit that you learned a simple system, right in your own home. They?ll be so impressed, and I promise not to tell! Let?s face it: even if you could convince your fiance to go and take dance lessons, you don?t have time for them. Luckily for you, you don?t need them. All you need to learn are a few (very!) simple elements that you can easily learn at home, and a way to combine them in a simple system that will have you looking fabulous, fast. As a competitive dancer, I spent countless hours learning complex steps and patterns. Hours in the studio? I?ve been there, done that. Ego-shattering coaches? I could tell you stories! And I?ve danced before panels of super-critical judges, all looking for the slightest mistake, so I know all about being anxious when it comes to dancing in public. You know what made all that worthwhile? Becoming confident in my abilities made performing incredibly fun and rewarding. Instead of worrying about performing, I lived for it. As a professional dance instructor, I?ve taught hundreds of couples just like you to dance beautifully at their weddings. But the most important thing about my experience isn?t what I?ve taught; it?s what I?ve learned. And now I?m offering the most important things I?ve learned to you. Within a few days of downloading my system, after a few short, easy practice sessions, you?ll relish the chance to dance. You?ll be confident, you?ll be graceful, you?ll be perfectly synchronized, and you?ll know everything you need to know to dance like the perfect couple! All you need to know, to dance like stars at your wedding, are a few simple principles of balance, posture, rhythm and movement that you can learn in a few minutes. Then, you?ll combine these easy elements in a simple system.

You?re probably going to video your dance and preserve it forever: all the more reason to make sure that in years to come, when you watch it, you think "Wow, we do look good." And by the way, I?d love to see your dance; Would you, could you, please send me a copy of your video so I can celebrate with you?

Everyone at the reception will be sure you had to memorize complicated step patterns. From the outside looking in, it will seem as though you must have studied for months to dance so effortlessly. Nope! It was easy. But you know what?s even better? From the inside, it feels as good as it looks.

To follow my unique system, you need to be able to count to four. Oh, I suppose I have to admit that you need a few other things. Like, you need to want to connect-really connect-with your partner. You need to want to express your love in a beautiful, physical way. It helps if you want to have fun and turn each other on a bit, too.

Before you can dance with grace and poise, you need to be able to stand, breathe, and take a step with grace and poise. The good news is, I?ll show you a few simple exercises that will allow you to do that within minutes of downloading my system. Not only will you look great dancing once you understand these principles, you?ll look great everywhere else, too. Frankly, I?m surprised how many people spend hundreds (even thousands!) of dollars on dance lessons but who never learn the basics. Lots of teachers go right into "teaching the steps" as though they were building a house with no foundation!

Your wedding song is almost certainly a rhumba, a foxtrot or a waltz. (If you don?t know which it is yet, don?t worry, because when you download my system, you?ll learn how to tell them apart in a few minutes. It could hardly be any easier, but it is: I?ll also give you a list of the most popular "first dance" songs and break them out by type.) No matter what style of dance your song calls for, it?s based on a simple box step. If your fiance can walk down a sidewalk and step around a parking meter, he can lead you in a box step. Really, it?s that easy. And after? Read more?

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