Monday, December 10, 2012

Kindle Publishing Pro - Review Format and Publish Kindle Ebooks

Today I thought I would do a quick review of product called Kindle Publishing Pro .

If you have ever tried to publish an e-book on Amazon Kindle store you will know what a nightmare it is to format the book and upload. The real money to be made as an Internet marketer on the Amazon Kindle store is by publishing and uploading a lot of material at a very low price therefore generating sales but most importantly getting new leads for your marketing list. One of the main problems with Amazon Kindle is how difficult it is to format books easily this is why there are companies charging $125 simply to format an e-book to Kindle Mobi format. Until now it has been very difficult and time-consuming to add a lot of content to the kindle online store quickly. Another problem with the Kindle store is that if the book is formatted badly and full of mistakes even if it is free people will still leave bad reviews this leads to your efforts being wasted, as bad reviews generally mean no downloads.

Kindle Publishing Pro solves the problem of badly formatted books and makes the storage and uploading to the Kindle store an absolute breeze allowing formatting that would take days to achieve in only a few hours. What?s more the books are perfectly formatted with no errors which can lead to Amazon rejection or more likely negative reviews from customers.

I?ve only used the software briefly but it is very easy to understand and I didn?t even need to study the help files. Kindle Publishing Pro does exactly what it advertisers itself to do without over complicating things and what?s more compared to some of the other products on the market that claim to format ebooks it actually does it very very well.

KD Publishing Pro allows you to create, format and one click your books to the Kindle market place all from one central control panel. This will allow you to quickly and easily triple or quadruple your Kindle exposure. More published books means more money. As I mentioned the software was really easy to use I added the required documents formatted and uploaded to Amazon marketplace all with just a couple of clicks, no complicated formatting questions or weird code to insert.

The people who are going to benefit most from a software are authors and also internet marketers. The authors will benefit as it will allow perfect formatting of their masterpiece with no errors, bad formatting usually leads to bad reviews however well written a book maybe. The Internet marketers will benefit as they can quickly and easily publish large quantities of the books and dominates any niche they choose therefore getting more customers and sales leads.

The publishers of the software on their sales page claim that Kindle Publishing Pro will save hours and formatting.

Prevent submissions from being rejected, make files and documents easier to manage and save you hundreds of dollars through not employing freelancers to clean and up format your work prior to publishing.
Kd Publishing pro has the following benefits:
  • Easily create new books within the control panel
  • Upload and edit existing books
  • Quickly formats for e-books at the touch of a button
  • Quickly adds a table of content
  • Store and use multiple accounts
  • Submit a marketplace with a single click
  • Complete management system all can Kindle files, uploads, documents and stats from a single dashboardl
  • Software-based sales reporting
  • Built-in delay feature when uploading large quantities of books to avoid Amazon red flags
  • Built-in word processor

Things I really liked:

I love the fact I was able to format and publish an e-book with just a few clicks. Anybody that has tried to publish anything to the Amazon kindle marketplace will know what a pain formatting and uploading is.

I also really like the fact that I no longer had to log into the dashboard of Amazon to see my stats. All the stats from your account are shown on software dashboard, quite cool feature when you have hundreds of the books published I would guess.

Does it Deliver?

I was actually quite sceptical about how well the software would work as I?ve seen similar claims made by e-book to kindle formatting software, most of the time the other software I have tried would fail. The test e-book that I published at at Amazon without a rejection was perfectly formatted so I?m guessing the software does exactly what the advertisers.

Do I Recommend Kindle Publishing Pro?

* Absolutely! Run out and get a copy now!

I absolutely love to using Kindle Publishing Pro and has an Internet marketer my mind is now buzzing with ideas on how I can quickly dominate certain niche is within the Amazon marketplace.. I can also imagine if you are a serious author on a tight budget this must be a real money saver as it formats perfectly.

The software is currently still at a prelaunch price of $27 which personally I think is an absolute steal, I know this price is only temporary with the price going up to a full $97 shortly so I would recommend getting in quick. The software comes with a full 30 day moneyback guarantee as well as five top-quality bonuses which can be seen here .


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