Thursday, September 27, 2012

Comments - Marketing, Promotion & Sales Consulting for Business

We recently reviewed an article authored by Ms. Julie Bolt, 10 Disruptive Enterprise Tech Companies (http://www NULL.businessinsider, which was published on September 25, 2012 on the Business Insider web site. We confess that we tweeted about this article before we read it, which, in retrospect, we ought not to have done. The fact is that we do not agree with some of the points in this article, and, further, we are cautious about the type of sweeping statements that we found throughout the article.

The point here is what are present standards, to use a tech phrase, ?best of breed? techniques as regards MARCOM for enterprise IT ISVs? This publication, Business Insider is, admittedly, not connected to any one tech software provider, but, nevertheless, the 10 firms that are discussed in this article are, to some extent, implicated in what we can?t help but take to be quite a bit of hyperbole. Here?s an example: ?Cloud computing has put unlimited computing power in the hands of everyone at very low cost.? (quoted from ?10 Disruptive Enterprise Tech Companies? as published on Business Insider web site and written by Ms. Julie Bort). Here?s another: ?Software-as-a-service has become a safe and reliable alternative to on-premise software?(ibid). Here?s just one more: ?Google generates about $1 billion a year on its five enterprise products. That?s a drop in the bucket compared to its full revenue stream, but it?s had a significant impact on competitors like Microsoft?(ibid).

For the record, we question each one of these three assertions. The last is particularly troubling. We, ourselves, took a look at Google?s 10-Q as filed with the US SEC on June 30, 2012 and could not find a single specific mention of these ?enterprise? products. We DID find mention of $434 Million in sales of ?other? products in the revenue statement, but no specific mention of these ?enterprise? products.

But we are not looking at this article as an opportunity to contest someone else?s truth; rather, we are looking at this article as an example of what we take to be an unfortunate enterprise IT ISV MARCOM trend, which works to create market movement through editorial content that exaggerates small kernels of potentially factual information into great big snow balls of vaporware.

We are cautious, at best, about this trend, and, at worst, concerned at its present proliferation. We think there is enough factual, positive, meat to the bones of the businesses portrayed in this article to make for an informative article without all the exaggeration. Hopefully someone will make the effort required and tell us something we really need to know about each of this businesses.

? IMB Enterprises, Inc. & Ira Michael Blonder, 2012 All Rights Reserved


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