Saturday, September 29, 2012


You've been created for this moment. Created for this specific purpose. You have the potential to continue a person's life, to give them another chance. Allow them the honour of going further. The cost?
Your life.

Okay, so I have four spots open (both male and female) in my new roleplay "Cultured"
Please note, this is a literate, and advanced rp, so you need to be thinking of this as you make your character profiles.

Clones have now been legalised. And almost every person able to afford them has at least one. They are nothing special. Simple cells taken from an embryo implanted with an identical nucleus to the baby that was wanted. The cultured embryo's grow into an exact replica of their accepted human. They are kept in a Cultured Village, and most of them live there happily until the end of their life span. That is if they aren't needed. If something goes wrong with the Accepted Human, then there are always spare parts on hand. Since technically the clone has the same cells, and due to their intensive care, are normally healthier, the organs or tissue are much less likely to be rejected by the body as foreign material. Thus the human race now will never have to live in fear of waiting for an organ donor. And it isn't as though the clones are human. They were created, their not born. And technically speaking the embryo's would have been discarded, so really we have given them a better life. Not only that, but not all are needed, not everyone gets sick.
Your characters are the clones. They live in the Cultured Village. They don't know there purpose, or that there are people outside their dome that are identical to themselves. They live in complete ignorance until one particular error...One escapes.
Not to fear, he was recaptured and for a while he was held under the intensive care unit to make sure he wouldn't endanger the whole project. After months of good behaviour he was released back into his original village, though he is under careful watch and is not permitted to speak of his discoveries.
He now wants to get out (obviously), however
Now that he knows what dangers the others are in, he also may wish to get others out. The problem is he will have to be fairly discreet, as the Carers are watching.

If you are still interested in joining please look at the available slots and read through the full information Here


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