Friday, November 30, 2012

Common Problems Of Marriage - Ayushveda

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Common Problems Of Marriage Relationships are the most precious thing in our lives. There might be a lot of relations people share with each other but amongst all of them, the closest and the most intimate one is that of a husband and wife. However, the first thing that you need to understand once you tie the knot is that nothing will ever be the same again.

There will be drastic changes in the relationship and the scenario and you can?t expect it to be like the time when you were in a love relationship. Marriage calls with itself a lot of responsibilities and other factors that just cannot be ignored. Along with unconditional and unlimited love for each other, there are other traits that you will now need to polish within you.

According to researches, married couples comparatively fight and argue more than couple in a love relationship. This factor is not at all influenced whether you have had a love marriage or whether it was arranged. There are some common and prevalent marriage problems that everyone faces in their bond. A relationship guide is what you require to broaden your knowledge about the same. Below are the top most marriage problems that couples face from time to time-

Marriage Problems Couples Face

The Issues with Communication

Two people in a marriage relationship make the biggest mistake of their lives by taking each other for granted. In the run, they forget the importance and essence of communicating with each other and talking out the day to day issues. There can be difficulties and issues with each other or within the family from time to time, but the only way out of the dilemma is to communicate well and talk.

There can be sexual intimacy issues or something like problems with in laws, but then if there is no communication between partners, it is definitely one to be worried about. Communication gap today has become the most prevalent problems in marriage.

The Relations with In Laws

No matter how understanding you are or vice versa, the relationship with in laws at some point of time does create problems are issues in marriage. Not only is this crisis challenging but also leads to a problematic situation due to the generation gap.

Common Problems Of Marriage

In cases where you are lucky, in laws can prove to be very supporting. But according to researches, a lot of couples believe that they aren?t. Therefore, relation with in laws is definitely one of the widespread marriage problems.

Sexual Intimacy

The worst problem that partners can face in a marriage is that of sexual intimacy and relation. Sexuality and sex plays a major role in either keeping the couples close to each other or totally distancing them in all aspects. In fact, sexual intimacy is a crisis that can lead to the fatalness of the relationship by leading the situation to divorce.

Remember, that no matter how much love prevails amongst you and your partner, sexual incompatibility can still exist. This is especially among men and women who are not aware about sex education and self awareness sexually.?Maintaining good chemistry is very significant. However, not all of the couples are able to achieve this goal, so sex is one frequent occurring issue in the beautiful bond of marriage.

The Financial Issues in Marriage

Other side of the coin calls for problems in marriage when finances and money is the topic. This point is gaining more and more significance in marriage among partners and a lot of times even before they?ve tied the knot. A lot of couples are facing financial crisis in today?s world. Financial instability is a root cause for many problems in marriage and it can also lead to a lot of them.

Common Problems Of Marriage

Aggressiveness is not going to help in the situation; rather things should be handled patiently and wisely.?If you know how to budget things well and be honest about the financial situation of your house from day one, then things can take a better shape. However, finances are a major problem in the relationship.

Also Read

4 Ways to Deal With Marriage Problems
Marriage Advice: Tips to Save Your Marriage
Avoid Those Mistakes in Your Married Life
The Top Communication Problems in Marriage

Problems Regarding House Chores

In today?s scenario, in most houses both the partners are working on a full time job and earning for the house to strike a balance in the finances. However, one hot topic that creates arguments among partners is about who will handle the daily house chores and look after it.

There are fights on dividing the work load and labor required at home especially in a case where hiring a labor from outside does not seem to be feasible.?Being organized and dividing the respective jobs might help in controlling it to a manageable level. Be at ease and talk out well with your partner on how to go about it in a planned manner.

The Shift of Priorities

Definitely the change in priorities can make partners insecure about each other as well as the relationship. When the love life and personal space comes to a stand still it leads to problems in the marriage.

Common Problems Of Marriage

A relationship loses its luster and essence when people forget their love for each other and gives it a back seat. Shifting priorities and making each other feel unimportant can be a serious problem that can gradually kill the marriage acquaintance.

Loss of Trust

Though this is one problems of marriage that in given birth by many other factors and problems mentioned above but then once you do lose the trust, it becomes a major problem that one faces in marriage. Trust is a significant word that keeps the relationship smooth. Find the root cause why the trust is getting broken.

Talk out about the unresolved issues and make sure this problem gets solved as soon as possible. For the starters, have a consistent nature towards your partner, be responsible towards them, listen to what they have to say and stay away from lies. Bitter truth is always better than a lie. Respecting their identity is yet another point you should follow.

These are some of the most universal marriage problems one can go through in their relationship.

Common Problems Of Marriage, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating


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